Five must skill for learn machine learning
Five must skill for learn machine learning
- Probability and statistics
You need to know descriptive statistics , Bayes rules , and random variables
- Linear-algebra
- Calculus
2. Programing skills

little bit programming knowledge is enough you need to know about that a data structure algorithm and oops concept
Some programing language are c,c++ Java , Python,......
3.Data Engineer skills

Ability to work with large amounts of data data Processing knowledge of SQL and visualization skill
4.Knowledge of machine learning algorithms
Some machine learning algorithms are
Linearnig regression
logistic regression
neural network
decision tree
random forest
5.Knowledge of machine learning frame work

Some frame works are
Sckit learning
Tensor flow
❤️Check my c language tutorial click here❤️
Technical tips #1
1.Storing batteries in the freezer can up to double their life span.
2.You can use Google as a timer by typing "Set timer (x) minutes" into the search bar.
Life hack #1
1.Rubbing an eraser on a scratched LCD screen can sometimes remove the scratch.
2.Put your wet sponge in the microwave for 2 minutes to kill 99% of the bacteria.
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