Top six humanoid robot in the world
Top six humanoid robot🤖 in the world Hai🙋 Friends welcome to my blog today we going to see about top 6 humanoid robot in the world we see humanoid robot in movies like terminator .why they called humanoid robot🤖 because the are look like human and they can feel like human and have a artificial intelligence 1.KURATAS🤖 Kuratas is a rideable and user-operated mechabuilt by the Japanese company Suidobashi Heavy Industry. Billed as "the world's first giant boarding robot",the Kuratas was unveiled when the website was opened in 2012. It was demonstrated at Wonder Festival.In June 2015, MegaBots challenged Suidobashi Heavy Industry to its first robot duel confronting Kuratas versus their Mark II Kuratas can be operated using apps mobile the weight of kuratas is 5 tone and the rupee is 13 lakhs dollar 2.ICUB🤖 iCub grasping skills have been recently improved as a result of the Poeticon EU project. Simple actions such as grasping are combined through